Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Horrible Day

Today was such a stressful day! 
Kodi literally cried ALL day long, I couldn't put her in my carrier, put her down, in her swing NOTHING. She cried and CRIED and CRIED. 
Now my patience runs pretty good usually but I seriously had to stop my self a few time and remind myself of how old she is, she can't talk, and she probably doesn't feel good.
I even laid on the floor with her (after wrapping her up like a dummie, or "swaddled her", which is something she hasn't stood for since she was like 1 month old) and fed her until my boobs felt like they were going to fall off. And she rolled over and was WIDE awake. 
Normally we do an hour nap in the AM and at least 1.5 in the evening and then it's off to bed at 8pm. Today she took a 30 min nap in the am, 30 min in the afternoon and 15 minutes on the way to the store and at 9:20am she finally finished screaming and went to bed.
So much for getting work done today, I'm exhausted and pissed that I ate a bowl of Moose Tracks Ice Cream.
Stupid stress food.


Isn't it ironic? 
Such a cool song, but to get straight to the point I have something to share.
So we live in a town home right? And the other day we were over hearing our neighbors talking about the condo association meeting that owners go to. Apparently the condo association is upset because they are spending to much money on heat and they want to make it to where people aren't allowed to use their garages in the winter time. 
IN THE WINTER TIME!!! Seriously, are people that stupid??? When else do we want to use our garage!? In the summer when it's 90 degrees outside? Seriously people, why in the world would we buy (if we would) a town house with a garage if we aren't allowed to open the garage door in the winter. 
Kind of defeats the purpose of a garage!
Anyways, I'm so freakin tired of dealing with stupid neighbors. I just want my own place so I can yell and scream and leave my freakin door open all winter if I flippin' want to! 

JEEZ. ****looking forward to the -50 below****

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Sometimes I'm just C-R-A-Z-Y....

Need I say more.


You know what? Sometimes it takes us a long time to realize something, but once we do it's like this HUGE light bulb comes on in our heads and everything makes sense. 
I'm not saying that everything I do it right, quite the contrary in fact. But sometimes understanding the way that we "tick" and learning to roll with the punches makes all the things in the world make a bit more sense.
Sometimes I don't understand why I do stuff that seems completely idiotic and most people look at me like I'm crazy. I may handle things in a somewhat idiotic way for the majority of the time, but that's simply how I've learned to handle things and in some crazy way it's "working for me". 
It may not be working for everyone else, in fact, everyone else may thing I'm being a jerk or being "unreasonable" but in my mind my actions reflect my feelings and are justified.
I'm not saying that I don't need to change, and that there aren't things in my life I regret and wish I could change, I'm just saying that sometimes REALIZATION is the step the recovery.
And people saying that no matter what we do, or how we act, they'll still love us. And that in hard times they won't leave us or say they've "had enough". Trust me I'm sure we've all been there. 
Life goes on. Forgiveness asked for, hopefully received, and bridges mended.
And for all the blessings I have in my life I am thankful. Lord, for all the things I rarely say thank you for, I'm sorry. You are SO good to me, and you are so forgiving. 
Without You, I'd be sunk.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pet Peeve

OK. Seriously my biggest pet peeve is when people don't follow through!

Don't tell me you're gonna do something and then bail, it's the rudest things in the entire planet!!!

I have quite a few friends that do that all the time, I don't even talk to them anymore, it's so freakin stupid.
I know I"m just having a grip day, but seriously, stupid. 

You know they say "actions speak louder than words", well you consistantly not following though to hang out is pretty rude. Might as well say, "I really don't care about you so I'm not coming over..."

Here's some cute pictures of kodi....sometimes the only thing that calms me down is looking at this smiling face.

I swear I hate halloween, everything seems to go wrong this time of year. Such a ridiculous holiday.

Monday, October 6, 2008

New Job

Welp it's official. My new job is going to be a LOT of work!!
I've been going through the financials and there is something
to be said for the fact that my position has been empty for 1
year!! There is a lot of clean up to do and WOW, after I get this 
all taken care of and I get my 6 month review, I will definitely 
be asking for a step increase.

Welp. Back to work.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Well my new thing is bath time. Picture this... we're taking a bath and having a grand old time, but Kodi keeps insisting she wants to roll over on her stomach which of course, isn't ok, so Mommie lets the water out and rolls her over.

She then, with arms and legs flailing, attempts to reach the other end of the tub by "crawling" and after a few minutes of spinning her wheels she moves a few inches at most. By this time I'm dieing laughing because it's the funniest thing I've seen in my whole life, but this does not deter her. She WILL get to that sponge on the other end of the tub if it's the last thing she does! I REACH over and give her a nudge and she gets there easily, I then push her back towards the other end of the tub and the whole event begins again.

So hilarious.
Think I may have even woken the neighbors I was laughing so hard. 
Oh to be young again, and small enough to actually be able to crawl from one end of the tub to the other! LOL

Saturday, October 4, 2008

New Experience

Well finally got Kodi into her high chair for the first time the other day, pretty cute really. I figured it would be good for her developmentally since she's doing so great with standing (with support) and crawling around. Not so good, however at sitting up. To boring for our taste I suppose.

We also love out handi-food-thingy, it's great since she's teething and likes to hold her own food. This way she doesn't choke on any seeds or swallow things too big for her.


Mommy also tried to get me to take a pacifier again, but at this point I thought it was simply another thing to eat. So the curiousity of that item lasted about 1 minute. Of course Momy had plenty of time to take a picture. (she was really hoping I'd like it so that on the airplane I could suck on that instead of flashing her to the entire world!) Good luck with that Mom.

So I guess that's about it....having trouble with the formatting on this.

But hope everyone is doing well.