Well it's 6am and I'm awake. Surprising eh? Considering it's almost 10am there in DC, not so much I suppose.
We had an eventful trip to the nations capital this past week and a momentous one at that.
My purpose of going to Washington DC was for a NCURA (grants managment conference) that was going to last about 5 days. Dan and I decided to go down a day early and over night in Seattle and on the way back we did the same because the flight times and layovers were just too much for Kodi. So that went alright.
Once we got to DC, the training started and we thought out what we wanted to do. Due to our political standing we tried to not talk about politics as much as we could because DC is a very liberal community and very passionate about their stands. So we just stuck to vacation talk and had a great time.
The first real day that we had, we visited the Washington Monument, Lincoln, & Veterens Memorial amoung other things. 

I had 5 days of training so with some days having shorting schedules than others, we were able to visit more things. We even took a "tour" and got some great history out of it.
Kodi was a TROOPER! We carted her ALL over that city in her little back pack, she slept in it, ate in it, pooped in it! :) You get the idea. The only thing she really had a hard time with was some of the flights were too long for her. We got very lucky and had rows to our selves for the majority of flights, so that helped a TON! And we were blessed to have some really great flight attendants that helped us get through the whole travel process.
Dumb Jacki, managed to lose (ok, "leave" is a better term") her purse in a resturant the night before we had to fly home. OF COURSE, i didn't realize it was missing until 1.5 hours before we had to fly out! SO PISSED. SO.....I hoped that someone would be honest enough to turn it back in without completely raping us financially. They did! So I'm waiting for my purse to get here, and hopefully (*fingers crossed*) my cash is still in there as well.
So all in all it was a great trip. Dan was a bit stressed out, and has to leave tomorrow for work. So it's back to the grind stone here at the farm. : )
If you think of it, pray for me for my job. It's pretty over-whelming and I'm struggling to get what I need to get done. So let's just say that it is a work in progress and I need to really buckle down now that I'm home, and no more traveling to get in the way of things.
Talk soon. 
I forgot you were going to DC. My sister would have come to the city to visit. She loves babies. She would also have been a sympathetic ear for the elections as she is pretty conservative. She called me on election night pretty bummed out. I would have reminded Dan that when I was a kid we used to go down to 14th St. to watch the hookers and the pimps. Real cool stuff to us as they acted and dressed just like you see in the movies. I am glad you enjoyed yourself and it is a great city with inumerable things to see.
As usual we missed a birthday (Demi,s). Great pictures. Take care.
ahh ok. I didn't realize your sister lived there. It was quite the trip I tell you what. And we are def. glad to be home.
Dan went back to work today and I think he was ready. He'd been home for a whole month, so it was time.
Kodi on the other hand is still on DC time and trying to re-adjust. So...hopefully that happens soon so I can get some work done.
Good to hear from you Phil.
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