Sunday, November 30, 2008


Well this Thanksgiving was quite lovely. I had to basically beg my Mother to have a Thanksgiving because she was hoping to go out for the holiday. No offense, but the idea of going out for the biggest holiday of the year seemed somewhat sacrilegious to me. Her idea was to "skip Thanksgiving and have Thai food on Friday". 
Ok, call me old fashion but Thanksgiving is the best holiday because that's the time I get to spend with my family. We've never really been much of a Christmas family, just a big breakfast and then screwing off the rest of the day with our 'new gifts'. 
Unfortunately Dan will be gone for most of the holiday's this year, which sucks. All of Kodi's "Firsts". But she's really too young to know the difference anyway. I think he's here for her 1st birthday, and our anniversary so that's awesome. Next year he'll be here for Christmas so that's nice.
Anyways I'm officially rambling. Thanksgiving was nice, we had Mom, Dad, Nathan, Aaron and his family, myself and Kodi. Heather also managed to join us later on in the dinner. Dena ended up being needed for her extended family as a second, short order cook so they were unable to make it to my Mom's house.

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