Demi called me tonight busting a gut she was laughing so hard. I couldn't figure out what the deal was and at first I was thinking something was wrong. As I'm hearing the phone ring (and I was on the phone with Dan) I thought,
"Well, I'll just call her back...."
But Dan insisted I answer the phone incase something was wrong with her car. She goes on to tell me the most hilarious story.
Apparently she pulls up next to a state trooper who has a woman in the back seat. As she is sitting there (Demi) watching what was going on, she sees the woman real back and BARF all over the back of the policeman's seat.
With a horrified look on the poor mans face, (i'm making this up of course, since I really have NO idea...) and a foul smell in the air, he flips his lights on and speeds away toward the station.
She, of course was laughing so hard she could barely breath. And I, myself, thought it was pretty ironic as well.
Poor dude, he probably got barf all over his suit. (*bet the lady felt better though*)
I don't blame the cop for using the lights to get to the station house quickly. I would have been upchucking the instant I smelled the vomit. Now that would have sent Demi into real convulsions to see the cop get sick also. Hope he had a glass barrier between the front and back.
Watching someone get sick is morbidly facinating for a lot of people. When I was living in the dorms as a young Air Force troop I had a small statured friend who decided to chug some Jack Daniels.
After about 10 minutes he was sitting in his chair and without warning projectile vomited at least six feet. I was so awed by the sight that I froze and then laughed my ass off (I was drunk also). He then passed out, so we decided to try and sober him up with a cold shower treatment. While in the shower we for some reason let go and he fell over and hit the floor - without the ability to put his arms out to cushion the fall.
A long story short. A trip to the emergency room, a two day hospital stay with a lot of head stitches and also to detox for alcohol poisoning. And unfortunately due to our youth, a lesson not learned until some years later.
Oh by the way; Lynn says hi also and sends her love to you all. I was relating your story to her on the phone when I remembered my incident.
ha ha ha! Nice! Yeah that sounds like quite the adventure! Here I am today has been quite the day! I had an auto start installed on my car ....well lets just say I'll write about it so that everyone can read.
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