So I pick up the truck and automatically smell gasoline in the interior. Couldn't figure out what the problem was for the life of me, even called both my Dad and Brother to help me determine what the issue was. Nothing doing. Guess I was using the wrong terminology.
So...I parked the truck for the night last night and went to bed. Started it this morning with the auto start, and once I was putting Kodi in her seat noticed the AWFUL stench still in the vehicle. I looked at the open garage door, back at Kodi, to the thermometer....
-20 below. Sigh. I did not want to put her in the car because I just knew that she would get sick from that awful smell and wouldn't be able to live with myself if that happened. But then I remembered what my Dad and Brother had said and figured they must be right. But were they?
I drop her off and head to work. At work I realize I had an important meeting all the way across town and would have to re-start my car and head back across town to meet with my friend. As I passed by the car again, I smell this horrible gas-like smell and know that something had to be wrong! I get in the truck, and sure enough, the smell is twice as bad and I feel like it's giving me a headache. I run the car over to the dealer and come to find out that when the dealer had put in my auto start they had pierced the injector and there was gas just running out of my truck onto the concrete floor! Of course by this time I'm super pissed....I had been driving around with those fumes in my truck (windows rolled down, -20 below!! come on people!!) with my baby in the back seat! My freaking truck could have caught on fire, or the fumes alone could have gotten both of us sick.
So. We call the dealer and tell them that it's their issue to fix and to deal with it. They come over and inspect my car and tell me that they "don't believe it's their fault, they've 'never done it before' but we'll fix it" type of thing. *ARG* So now I'm like 2 hours late for my meeting ( i did call...) I try to call her to tell her I'm on my way, but she doesn't answer. I have my Dad drop me off, and low and behold, she's NOT even here!!! So now I'm sitting here "waiting for her" and I have to pick up baby in like 1 hour and I don't even know when she is supposed to be back. A little pissed off at this point and time.
And yet it gets better. So Aaron is picking me up to pick up Kodi, and yet I still have no idea if I'll get my truck back today or if I'll have to get a rental.
They are so paying for a rental if I need one.
hmmm...i'm calling you. i told dad he should have stayed in town since you were getting off work soon. arrrghh
no it's fine. I have friends and it's not dad's responsibility to make sure I get everywhere I need to go. Aaron picked me up anyhow so we got to hang out with the cousins for a bit.
Wow kodi is already ready for bed and it's only 630...i'll have to see if I can get her to wait it out for a bit. I'd like to sleep in tomorrow for once.
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