Saturday, July 3, 2010

One of those days

Today just had to be one of those days.

I woke up with good intentions, heading out early with Kodi to Creamers Field to hit the trails for a good run.

We pull out of the driveway head around the block, and before we can head behind my house I see cop cars crawling at the townhouse behind us. As I creep by, I look and see the backyard tarped off and a police officer standing guard. The closer I look I see a dead body laying in the back yard. Stiff, white, and very creepy it was the most bothered I had ever been. It took me an hour to calm down. I had to call my cousin (Jordan, 13) in Oklahoma, and listen to some of his tales before I felt ok.

Thank God, Kodi didn't see anything. She already is a bit fearful so I'm hesitant about what she watches and is in contact with. I'm sure if she saw the person laying there, she would have just thought they were taking a nap.

After this, we went to the mall in North Pole, parked our car and walked over to where the parade was going to be. It was a short, sweet parade, but Kodi enjoyed it tremendously. I felt bad not letting her get out of the stroller to play at the park, but by the time we were there I had to walk back to the car to get her home for her nap.


I know. Sounds pretty hard core, me making her leave a carnival to nap. But I have been having the toughest time getting her to sleep lately. I've toyed with, cutting out her naps but I know darn well she still needs them. So I determined that I was putting her down for a nap WAY to late. (2-3 pm) So I'm starting her naps now around 1pm. Then by the time 8pm rolls around, she's ready to go to bed, even if she has to play for an hour or so.

(Intermission Over) LOL

Anyways,...I did well today with my eating. I even managed a 20 min kickboxing class and some weight lifting while Kodi napped. So by the time dinner was cooked and I ate, I was exhausted. (6pm) I was of course, grumpy with Kodi for the rest of the day. Poor kid. I guess the whole start of the day made me leary and hard to relax in my own home toward the end of the day.

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