You ever stop during the day and go,
"Wow! What an amazing sunset!" or "Wow that person was really nice to me, and certainly didn't have to be!"
I believe God puts people in our paths, or in our lives, or gives us gifts at times when we least expect it! When we feel like our day can't get any worse, to have someone bless us, or smile at us or to view an amazing sunrise or sunset, or to be shown mercy when we least deserve it.
It's times like these when I realize that without Him my life would truly suck.
Sorry there is no other eloquent way to put that.
I had the worst day today. Had to drop Dan off at the airport, and after almost 1 month of being home we never really had any good quality time to our selves. Stress with the baby, traveling, my new job and everything has really been a bad thing for our relationship. I miss him. I really do. And I wish there was someway to connect with him and get back what I feel we have lost.
He's such a good guy, patient, kind, and puts up with all my junk. I guess I'm lamenting the fact that we had been so much more closer in the past and it's just that much harder connecting with each other with a new little person and all the other things going on in our lives.
I was hoping today would be a good day to get work done after I got home. But, Kodi had other things in mind and just would NOT go to sleep for anything. I know it sounds trivial, but it's very difficult getting things done when my "little person" didn't want to be anywhere but crawling around RIGHT next to me, or in my arms.
DON'T PUT ME DOWN MOM, I NEEEEEEEEEDddddddd you!!! *sigh* Which is fine. Just very hard to get anything else accomplished.
I finally put her on the bed (for the 7th time) and pinned her down, wrapped her up in my arms and fed her. She struggled, cause she wanted to crawl around, but I could tell by her eyes that she was in agony and begging for me to put her to sleep. I finally got her down. And as I looked at her peaceful little face, the sun streaming through the blinds and the peaceful Celtic music in the background, I thought to myself,....
"What an amazing gift!!!"