It's the "NEW YEAR", -45 below and boy every part of me is cold! Currently I'm snuggled under my 500 thread-count sheets, down comforter and the other comforter my Mom made for me. AND my feet are still freakin cold!!! (ok. I guess they are finally warming up, but jeez it's been like almost an hour of me sitting here.)
Kodi is down for a nap and I'm furiously trying to get as much done as possible while I have this down time.
Dan seems to be doing well up North. He seems a bit down these last few weeks, and I know that a lot of it has to do with the fact that is so ass cold here and it's not like when he comes home, he gets to come home to a warmer climate! Poor dude. Well it only lasts a few months and then we're on to warmer weather.
Oops. I hear someone crying, I'll post more later when I have a moment.
Thanks for the post. For one of the few times in my life I have little to say. Must be from all the time off from work lately - I'm talked out. Or my brain is numb from inactivity.
There is one thing I have learned that I had forgotten. I do not like the snow anymore. As Lynn says, "its pretty" but I now understand why older folks always want to winter in warmer climates. If I ever (and thats a big if) move to Alaska I will move to Southeast AK. This winter reminds me of my first one in Oregon back in 1982 when we did not see the sun for many weeks.
The pictures of you, Kodi and your mom are sure cute. You all photograph so well. My ruddy face neber has. We talked to Dani over the Holidays and she said she could possibly be doing a year at Portland State. That would be awesome. It is a great school in an excellent urban location. And if she decides to take a Poli-Sci class then she would definitly benefit from her uncles vast opinions (ha ha). Hope she can come. Keep the pictures coming.
Yes. I can do that. I know Dani is seriously leaning to Portland state and I'm very comfortable with that! Not saying that she wouldn't do fine else where but I'm glad that she'd be near you all if in case she needs something or gets lonely. She is growing up so quickly.
Thanks for the picture comment! I had fun. Kodi was a bit tired and not ready for pictures anymore but it was fun none-the-less.
Take care. Oh and enjoy the snow! I know what you mean about moving, I had thought about moving to south east but I think I would miss the warmer winter / snow time for sledding and such. Although I keep telling myself that the reason I live in such a cold climate is because I cannot handle traffic like you all have. Rush hour is not something I could handle with a calm mind. Sigh. Talk soon.
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