Well it's been a while since I've written. Sorry. I have to say it's been a very busy year and WOW look at that, we're almost through January ALREADY! JEEZ! Will it ever slow down??
Dan just got home a week ago and we're well into his time off and enjoying every minute of it. Here recently I think we might have finally decided to seriously start looking at some houses over the next 10-12 months or so. Financially, we're finally in a great place where we can afford what we'd like to get. So thank you LORD for a great house!
Kodi is HUGE. She is growing with leaps-and-bounds and when I look at her there are times that I get very sad at the thought of my "little person" growing up so quickly. Does it make me want another baby? Yeah. Am I ready for another baby? Now THAT'S a great question!! I'd definately have to say NO. Let me get the fat off first people!!
Actually I think I'd have to talk Dan into it anyways, we we all know how Dan felt about having another baby. So I think I'm pressing my luck on this topic.

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