Such a cool song, but to get straight to the point I have something to share.
So we live in a town home right? And the other day we were over hearing our neighbors talking about the condo association meeting that owners go to. Apparently the condo association is upset because they are spending to much money on heat and they want to make it to where people aren't allowed to use their garages in the winter time.
IN THE WINTER TIME!!! Seriously, are people that stupid??? When else do we want to use our garage!? In the summer when it's 90 degrees outside? Seriously people, why in the world would we buy (if we would) a town house with a garage if we aren't allowed to open the garage door in the winter.
Kind of defeats the purpose of a garage!
Anyways, I'm so freakin tired of dealing with stupid neighbors. I just want my own place so I can yell and scream and leave my freakin door open all winter if I flippin' want to!
JEEZ. ****looking forward to the -50 below****
what the heck? not use your garage in the winter? shouldn't be a problem, since your car won't even fit in it, though, i guess. when is your lease up on this place. you should move out to north pole. heehee.
I know what a bunch of morons....They had the head set at a mandatory 40 degrees in the garage and I had to actually dress up to jump on my treadmill. So dan jimmie rigged it and now we actually have heat in there.
North pole? Ha. Sure.
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