Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Getting close...

Well it's official, the closer I get the more nervous and anxious I get.

I miss Dan terribly.

I had to get up to pee last night, (well duh) and when I went to go lay back down "Little one" got the hiccups and I couldn't sleep because my whole stomach was shaking with the "HICK-UP'S". I was up for about 40 min I think, then managed to go back to sleep. I texted Dan a few times and he was amused about the hiccups, he had no idea that they got them in the womb.

They do. :)

Once I finally dozed off I realized that although time was getting close it wasn't as close as I wish it was. Uncomfortable is a good word. And MOODY. I'm horribly moody.

The weight gain of course is still freaking me out, and I'm trying to figure out ways to deal with it...but so far the only thing I can think of is just "don't look".

I had a dream this morning that my baby was born at home and it didn't hurt at all. Dan caught her and I had to remind him to call 911 while I was calming her down and rubbing her clean.

It was an odd dream. Oh yeah....and I was craving cigarettes like crazy!!! (I don't smoke) and I tried to steal one from my stepdaughter, (why she would have one I have no idea...ha ha...) then I had to find a place to smoke it so that Dan wouldn't find me. LOL

WOW. I swear I didn't eat any pizza last night.

Just a big frosty.

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