Well, as most of you know I am having a baby! It's taken us quite a few years to 'take' but we are very exciting for what is to come.
During the ultra sound last month we were eagerly awaiting the words "it's a BOY!". Dan sat in his chair with baited breath, trying to peak at the hidden screen as often as he could. The techs laughed a few times as they watched baby move and "dance on my cervix" and we were lucky enough to witness some of it with our own eyes.
Then the tech turned to us and said,
"We have a general rule as Ultra Sound Techs, 1.) If the hands are "down there" it's a boy. 2.) If the lips are 'a flappin' it's a girl."
We then were able to see the screen as they turned the t.v. towards us. After a few minutes the baby started moving its mouth and swallowing and moving around. Finally baby turns around and looks right at us (it appeared so) and opened up it's mouth in this HUGE grin. It was the most hillarious and yet amazing thing I think I've ever seen.
Needless to say the word on the streets is that we have an 80% change that it's a girl. Dan was a bit dissapointed but nodded his head in a "Go figure" sort of way.
I think Dani puts it best when she told her Father,
"Dad, you just have to face it, you don't have any male sperm in your entire body!"
1 comment:
Ha! the general rules are indeed humerous and right on!!!!
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