Okay I have to admit, being pregnant has thrown me for quite a loop!
When I first got pregnant I was doing pretty much everything "as normal", including running, lifting some weights etc...I saw no problem with any of it at all. My speed simply seemed to involuntarily get slower and I was tired all the time.
This was until about week 8...
At week 8, my morning sickness started and didn't ease up until...oh... about 12 wks or so. I couldn't eat as cleanly as I wanted and in fact, I couldn't eat anything I wanted!
Crackers, white bread, carbs and MORE carbs!!
I dreaded the weight I was going to gain and was envious of the run(s) I could not take. I managed to move my entire apartment (with some help on the big furniture) to my new place almost entirely by myself. (Dan was working) I had EVERYTHING in there, when I realized I needed to get the t.v. set up before Dan got home 3 days later. I bent over grabbed the big sucker and...
...managed to herniate yet another disc in my lower back.
This dumb mistake caused me to be out of work for approximately 5 weeks as I recovered and got used to sitting and standing again. I was still eating HORRIBLY, or eating what I could.
By the time I had my next OB visit I had managed to lose an incredible 11lbs in 30 days!!!
Well normally I'd be exstatic losing that kind of weight in that amount of time, but not WHILE PREGNANT!!
I was freaking out.
The doctor was assuming it was because of my lack of activity and also because 'baby' was taking anything and everything that baby wanted to eat. Leaving me with pretty much nothing, even though my meals were high in calories and de-void of nutrition.
Well to make this "novel" short, or atleast (shorter than it would be), my point is that despite the injury or even just plain because of it, I miss my running more than anything! I wish I could throw on my shoes and my grippers (code for: anti-slip grips) and head out on a cool crips day to ward off any and all stress coming my way.
Unfortunately, my balance, tummy, back and other things are preventing me from running, and my legs are feeling the brunt of my inactivity. Although I have to admit, it's taken me almost 5 months to feel the effects of inactivity, poor diet and the like, it's depressing non-the-less.
So here's to you, "running", I miss ya. And I know you'll be there once this kid pops, but I wish I could see ya sooner. You'll be missed.
Oh yeah, and I think I might just buy a jogging stroller in your honor! ;)
Hey girl, heads up, there's gonna be lots of running when this girl takes to her running legs if she's anything like her Momma!!!,just couldn't restrain from this comment :)
Running? What is that? I think I tried that one time and ended up having to get my shins amputated. Maybe that was something else...
Man, I wish I could run. :(
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