It's simply amazing to me how each day brings something new to us. How everyday we learn new things about our selves and grow up a bit more. It amazes me more that I still have all the hair on my head and not all of them are gray yet!
The past few years I have been very nervous or almost petrified of growing older. It was almost like I felt like my teen-age (fun) years had passes by and yet I "hadn't even gotten to do anything fun yet!!" I kept hearing all these grown-ups around me talking about how much they loved their 20's and then 30's and even their 40's were "awesome".
I've decided that I'm going to enjoy my life, no matter what it brings!
I have an awesome family, 2 hilarious step daughters, a loving and patient husband, 2 amazing parents, 2 awesome brothers, an AWESOME sister-in-law, nieces, nephews, and the list goes on and on. I am so blessed, so touched to be able to have the opportunity to have my family near me! So honored that they would allow me a part in their lives and to make history.
I look back on on the "difficulties" that I'd complain about on a daily basis and how horrible the drama was in my life. But as Pastor Jeff was talking about today, it's amazing to see the character that God was able to build in my life during all of those fights, and struggles. I see myself as so much stronger of a person, more patient (working on this one daily, *sigh*) more respectful, hopeful, and loving. I see my step daughters growing up, taking baby steps and maturing into responsible adults, and it makes my heart glad.
I used to think, God, did I do the right thing? Was I cut out for this, I CAN'T do this!!! And to watch him change my heart, grow me up and do big things in my family. I look back and say, I would SO do this all over again. I would marry this man again, fight, bicker, grow, love, share memories, EVERYTHING. I would do it all again. Just because it is SO worth it. I think that it could have turned out so not like this, it could have turned out horrible!!
But we don't serve a God, that would give us a 'stone' for a 'fish', He's not a God to turn and leave us when we need Him most. I can't believe its taken me this long to figure out, I'm way to stubborn sometimes!! But He is good, and HE is patient! Thanks God! Look where we'd all be if he got bored, or impatient and left us along-side the road one of these days?! We'd be sunk.
My husband is coming home tomorrow. I am so excited! I haven't seen him for 3 weeks!!! And it feels like a lifetime! I pray that his time home will be well spent, that he'll get to enjoy the time with his girls, hang out with friends, do things that makes his heart happy. He is worth so much to me, I don't even think he realizes that! And even when I try to explain, he gets confused and says, "well why didn't you just say that you loved me, you don't have to write a book?!"
Well I guess that is what my blog is for, writing my "books".
Life is good, GOD IS GOOD!
...All things work together for good for those that love God and are called according to His purposes!....