Kodi has started this thing where she says random stuff that simply amazes me.
In my heart, I've found that it's with the simple words or thoughts of a child that can simply amaze or explain the most complex of things.
Today we were driving on errands and Kodi mumbles in the back seat, "Thank you Jesus I can sit down...". I'm thinking, "huh?" It's sweet she's thanking Jesus for stuff but, "What?" that makes no sense. It suddenly dawned on me...
When I was pregnant with Kodi at 8 weeks, I hurt myself something terribly. I was moving by myself and tried to lift my HUGE t.v. I heard a snap, and a day later I couldn't walk, couldn't move and could only crawl or lay on my stomach. It took me 5 weeks! 5 weeks!!! To be able to sit again, 5 WEEKS! I was in massive pain, with 1 herniated disc, and 1 bulging disc and I couldn't take more than 300 mg of Tylenol every 4-6 hours because I was pregnant. I needed atleast 1000! I was in so much pain, I couldn't barely sit on the potty and it definetly hurt like hell to use the bathroom. (I later found out that the disc I had ruptured was the one that controled bladder and bowel function). There was one point during this time that I literally had to crawl across a public bathroom floor because I couldn't walk, when I had to pee. I couldn't have been more humilitated in my life.
So it was in that moment this morning as I was sitting in my car running errands, I hear those sweet words escape from my daughters mouth and I realize how blessed I am.
Dear Lord, thank you that I can sit. Thank you that I can stand, thank You that I am not in pain. Thank You, thank You, thank You!
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