Kodi literally cried ALL day long, I couldn't put her in my carrier, put her down, in her swing NOTHING. She cried and CRIED and CRIED.
Now my patience runs pretty good usually but I seriously had to stop my self a few time and remind myself of how old she is, she can't talk, and she probably doesn't feel good.
I even laid on the floor with her (after wrapping her up like a dummie, or "swaddled her", which is something she hasn't stood for since she was like 1 month old) and fed her until my boobs felt like they were going to fall off. And she rolled over and was WIDE awake.
Normally we do an hour nap in the AM and at least 1.5 in the evening and then it's off to bed at 8pm. Today she took a 30 min nap in the am, 30 min in the afternoon and 15 minutes on the way to the store and at 9:20am she finally finished screaming and went to bed.
So much for getting work done today, I'm exhausted and pissed that I ate a bowl of Moose Tracks Ice Cream.
Stupid stress food.