Apparently the coolest "thing ever!" is Kodi's tounge. She plays with it all the time and spits and sticks it out and just laughs and LAUGHS. She thinks it's so funny.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Playin' in the grass
There are few times in ones life when some things so simple can be so rewarding. Today was one of those days.
As I sat outside with my beautiful baby girl, watching her play in the grass I felt and was truly blessed. Here she is 4-months old, healthy as a all get out, wide eyed, so impressed with every little thing that she just layed there and plucked at the grass with total abandonment.
She was having so much fun exploring and playing with each blade, it was pretty neat. I began to thank God for such a wonderful day! And that I had the opportunity to spend the day (gorgess!!) with both girls, and then to hang out with my little one doing something so trivial as playing outside felt both silly, rewarding and just plain amazing.
The day was awesome, the weather perfect and the companionship...awesome.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Me love you long time!
Has it seriously been almost a month since I've posted?? Wow!
So many things have happened since last post, but mainly all is well. We are just living the "dream" driving our expensive cars and sportin' our expensive clothes. *click* Oh sorry that was just a really bad episode of MTV. OH WAIT. I don't watch MTV. Anyways....
Life is good. I just applied for a new job. It would be a Fiscal Officer position with the EPSCoR Program with UAF. After all of the small clues I got relating to applying for this position I finally have, and will wait and see if anything comes of it. It would be a great promotion and about $2.50 raise which would be nice. I'd get:
1.) My own office, with DOOR, (no more "cubicle land") so I wouldn't have to worry about privacy for pumping for the kodster.
2.) Even though it's listed as "FULL TIME" they told me that if I'm the right fit for the position they are willing to work with me for part time hours and I might even be able to bring kodi to work with me or work from home. (HUGE PLUS)
3.) Very small office, so hopefully LESS drama than normal. But we all know that drama runs rampant pretty much every where. *sigh*
So we'll see. I'm trying not to get to excited if I don't get it. I told the Lord, that if I was supposed to get the position to make the way "WIDE" and open the doors for me to go or not to go. I'm so not that great at making wise decisions unless he makes it SUPER obvious.
Kodi is SO much fun. She cracks me up cause she'll be looking at me and laughing and giggling but then there are times when she gets this look on her face that looks "just like DAN"!. SERIOUS. COMPLETELY SERIOUS, like, "Seriously are you that crazy, don't embarrass me!"
Such is life.
We get to head down to Canada to see Dan's nephew (and mine :) ) get married in October so that will be nice. Demi wanted to come down as well and she almost had enough miles for a free ticket so she purchased the rest and is coming down with us.
Dani, being so responsible, really can't afford to come down with us because she has to work and has all sorts of bills now with her new "used" car, insurance, apartment and utilities. So Dan and I decided it would be a good idea to use my free ticket to get her to be able to come down with us. We talked with Demi and she was fine with it. So we helped Dani out and now we'll all be down there to celebrate Jeff's wedding.
I've never been to a celebration with all of us there....I think the closest we all got was Christmas of 06 in California. However, the Bartley's weren't able to make it.
So other than that everything else is just fine. I've met a great lady online her name is MariAnne and she lives in Vancouver. She is helping me as a "personal trainer" to get this baby fat off so I'm excited to actually get to meet her in person when we head on down there.
I'm 10 lbs shy (well 7 really) of where I was post - pregnancy so I'm pretty excited about that. My goal is actually 140lbs so....I'll have another 20+ lbs to go after I reach pre-pregnancy weight.
Life is good. Kind of sick today, but hoping it will pass by tomorrow for work.
Love to all.
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