Well I have to say quite a few things have changed since I've last updated you.
Oops sorry.
So my due date came and went (April 5th, 2008) and I became impatient with each day that passed. No, stupid people asking me if I'd "had the baby yet" or my favorite "you still pregnant??" Well DUH. I still have a HUGE basketball stomach (not really) so I guess I should say, "I HOPE SO." It's okay though, I get pretty sarcastic when I'm uncomfortable.
A week went by and still no baby, we had some contractions start up, but nothing significant. Amazingly to this point I still had-had no real problem with my back. Thank God! Even though the chiropractor told me I would. Again, THANK YOU GOD, and "I LAUGH in your general direction!!!". Yes devil I'm talking to you.
About this time, I decided I wanted to induce. I wanted Dan there with me because I wanted him to see his baby come into the world.
Day 8 - Over due
I called in to get a bed for induction. They couldn't get me in right then because all the beds were full for all the women who had already gone into labor. Lucky ....______.... anyways....
I started having some other symptoms that I wasn't sure of and around 2:00pm they told me to come in. They got me checked out and hooked up by 3:00pm I had the pitocin and the contractions started coming on. The kids showed up and around 4:40 or so my Mom showed up as well. I really didn't think about it much, but 4 people plus me and the occasional nurse in that room was a bit much. Okay I'm being conservative. It was WAY too much. Around 5pm the doctor showed up and broke my water, and then the contractions got really hard and heavy. (I didn't realize it at the time but the nurse kept turning up my pitocin, bad mistake.
Finally the contractions were getting to the point where they hurt like hell and my back was absolutely killing me. (back labor) My mom was rubbing my back and the kids were horsing around in the back ground. This was very hard to deal with, because not only did I have to not worry about 'mooning' everyone while laboring through my contractions, they were horsing around like they were having a sleep over. Not cool. At one point I yelled at them to "SHUT UP!". And they got up to leave the room. I talked with my Mom about what to do, it was horribly stressful having to deal with contractions and the distractions that were going on in the room. At one point Demi was asking me (during a contraction!!!) a home work related question!
(it wasn't until about a month later that I realized Demi's "coping" skill for being uncomfortable is saying WHATEVER comes to her mind, and I do mean whatever.)
Finally the contractions were so strong I was having a very hard time handling them and I though that I was going through transition. NOPE. I hadn't even dilated at all in the 3-5 hours I had been laboring. It was horrid. It was at that point that I talked about having the epidural. Because up to this point I hadn't dilated at all except 1 cm, and hadn't had any drugs at all. Dan said it would be a good idea. So we signed paperwork and they said, "okay the Dr. is here now, she'll be right in!". Okay. *whew* good deal.
YEAH OKAY. 1 hour later, she shows up and I'm freaking out because I think she's going to make me move during a contraction and I wouldn't be able to do it because of the massive pain. Well the Anesthesiologist was amazing, she waited for my contraction to stop and then she put the needle in. And for all those people out there that say the "epidural hurts like hell..." seriously. Do you think a splinter hurts like "hell"? The epidural was NOTHING.
She asked me if I felt better and I had another contraction, same pain but 1/2 as long as the ones before.
That was the last contraction I felt that night.
Next thing you know I couldn't feel anything from my waist down and I hadn't felt that good in a LONG time!! And I mean a LONG time, I was actually able to relax like before I gotten pregnant.
1 hour later, I dilated from 3-7 cm and then one hour later (after shakes and horrible itching) I was fully dilated. The nurse asked if I wanted to push, and I said, "well um sure, but I can't feel anything". She looked somewhat puzzled seeing I was 10 cm but said, "Okay then try to rest and let me know when you do."
About 15-20 min later I felt pressure and said i should probably start pushing. We pushed for about 15 minutes (after we completely grossed out both girls, um duh...) and the head started coming down. The nurse went to get my Dr. who by the way had 4 other patients all fully dilated like me, so he was running around pretty busy. He was however, rather calm actually very lackadaisical and relaxed. I kept pushing when I thought I should and she started coming out. At one point they could see her head and I saw the look on Demi's face, it was priceless. I don't think she knew it was going to be like that but figured it out in the end.
Finally she says, "Oh it's got to come out THAT hole?!? It's only this big (motioning the size of an silver dollar)" Just what I want to hear right? I said "Demi, what the frick hole did you think she was going to come out of??!!!" Few minutes later Dan leans over and says "Honey, you need to push HARDER." And I looked at him with a puzzled look saying, "what the frick do you think I'm doing?!" Quite funny actually.
So anyways after 30 minutes of pushing, out she came. 7 lbs 7 oz and 21 inches long. She had some really DARK black hair and was absolutely beautiful! We named her Kodi Anne Wilson (after her cousin Hayley Anne, who died a few years ago)

She's 9 weeks old tomorrow and I'm so amazed at how she has grown. She has a healthy mix of both sisters, a LOT of her Dad and a taste of me! ;) We'r

e certainly having fun!